Our new annual grant cycle is:
Applications will be taken October 1st through March 31st for grants to be awarded in July.

Healthcare Grants
The Foundation encourages healthcare grants with large “ripple effects,” that is, those which generate benefits that spread beyond their primary grantee into the wider community, as well as “seed money” grants, whereby Foundation support provides a needed catalyst or first step to a significant, and preferably ongoing, positive core value effect.
To realize maximum benefit from its grants and to use its resources prudently, the Foundation has established policies to encourage meritorious proposals and to enable the Foundation to be a positive force for good by promoting and stressing its core values while honoring its purposes, intent, and integrity.
• Please see the criteria page for important information that needs to be submitted with grant applications

July 2025 Awards
Applications will be taken between October 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025 for grants to be awarded in July 2025.
Deadline For Grant Reporting:
Interim Progress Reports must be received by the Foundation each quarter, no later than the 15th of the month following the quarter being reported.
Final Report must be filed within 12 months after the funding of the grant or within 60 days after the project is completed, whichever is the sooner.
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