Fort Smith Boys Home
Eddie Donavan, Executive Director of the Fort Smith Boys Home, and his staff were excited to receive our gift and posed for a picture with Executive Director Tom Webb and Board Member Mitzy Little.
The Home’s mission is to “enhance the quality of life of children and young adults who are displaced from their families or involved in the foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.” They currently have five boys who will enjoy a great Christmas this year thanks to the Degen Gift!

The Girls Shelter of Fort Smith
Sharenna Landers, Executive Director of The Girls Shelter of Fort Smith, AR posed with Tom Webb and Mitzy Little and was quite surprised to receive the gift! The shelter’s mission is “to provide a safe and encouraging atmosphere in a residential setting for underprivileged females aged 12-17 years; to promote positive behaviors, character enhancement, educational advancement, and to reunite with family.
The shelter can accommodate eight girls and currently have five girls living there. They will certainly have a great Christmas!
The Arc for the River Valley
Francy Ford, Executive Director of The Arc for the River Valley, was thrilled to have us visit and pleased to receive our gift. Their mission is “to provide advocacy, recreation, and education for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”
They serve more than 450 members who live in the same seven county area that our Foundation serves. The clients are most welcoming to visitors and are the happiest people to see as they enjoy their activities. Tom Webb and Mitzy Little posed with Ms. Ford.

Abilities Unlimited in Van Buren
Abilities Unlimited in Van Buren, AR has been serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since the 1960’s. This organization makes it possible for individuals to receive services in the communities where they live – and is committed to providing services that cultivate long-term individual growth.
William “Bill” Loyd, Executive Director, was very touched by the Degen Gift and genuinely surprised by our generosity. He posed with Mitzy Little, Board Member and Tom Webb, Executive Director